Larry Hughes lhughes at triad.rr.com
Mon Apr 11 11:02:40 SAST 2005

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Larry Hughes[SMTP:LHUGHES at TRIAD.RR.COM]
> Sent: 	Monday, April 11, 2005 11:02:40 AM
> Cc: 	Dean & Lois Senning
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
The world watched in wonder at the gold and glitter and glorying in the 
life and death of the Pope.  What did God think of this and was He 
there?  Of course, He was there because He is omnipresent.
If you read the Bible carefully, you will notice that God's attention is 
always focused on the poor and outcasts...the widows and orphans. 
If you were wondering where God was this week and what He was 
doing......I can assure you that He was with the little band of gypsies 
that gathered to pay their respects to an unsung heroine of the faith.  
She was buried the same day as the Pope....in the village of Golosei 
(pronounced Goloshei), Romania.
Georgita (prounouced Gorghitza) was widowed early in her marriage and 
was left with five children.  She returned to the lord (as the Romanian 
believers call conversion) in 1977 and the closest church was five miles 
away.  She walked every Sunday without fail, even in the harsh Romanian 
winters, until after the Revolution in '89 when they built a church near 
her house.  She cried at the dedication, thanking God that she didn't 
have to make the long walk.  She often had no shoes.
She remembered what it was like during those Communist years.  She was 
persecuted not only because of her faith, but because she was born a 
gypsy. They threw rocks to break the windows at her church, cursed them, 
and mocked Jesus Holy Name.  But this didn't deter her one bit. 
Life was difficult in Romania, but more so for the gypsies, especially 
the widowed.  She carved wooden spoons and sold them door to door to 
feed her family.  There was no money in these villages, so she received 
a small amount of flour or corn meal in exchange.    She left a legacy 
of hard work, perserverance and deep faith.
She was illiterate, but always reminded her children of her favorite 
verse, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against 
Thee."  God's Word was written on her heart and praise for her Savior 
was always on her lips.
In her later years, she became deaf, but that didn't stop her from 
singing with her beloved Saints.  She remembered the words she learned 
at the little church where she was saved and watched the lips of other 
believers when they sang.   They would sing: "Jesus is a pilgrim in this 
world of sin"  and Jesus is always with me, everywhere I go." And that 
He was.
When she died, her family and Christian friends gathered at her 
bedside.  She said to them, "When I was hungry, you brought me food, 
when I was cold, you brought me firewood, when I was sick and lonely, 
you visited me."  And then she closed her eyes and went to sleep. 
She died in a tiny, wooden shack with dirt floors.  She never had enough 
food and clothes and often had to go barefoot.  But they knew that God 
was with them in that room......unashamed of their outward 
surroundings.  He, as did her many acquaintances saw her great faith in 
a God who loves all His creatures no matter what their color or country.
A little brown, wrinkled mother, so totally dedicated to her 
Savior, received from Him her crown of glory....her crown of 
rightousness reserved for those that love Him.
No pomp and ceremony down here for this little Saint who suffered a 
lifetime of pain and persecution and poverty.  Yet all of Heaven 
rejoiced at her homecoming.
She was a founding member of the church in Golosei.  She has left behind 
a large family - children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, all 
of whom are believers.  Many in her village have returned to God" as a 
result of her witness. 
Georgita, more than anything,  wanted the love of Christ to always  be 
seen in her life and for Him to be glorified in everything she did.  
And, according to the testimony of her friends and family, this is the 
way she lived and died. 
This humble, illiterate, poor gypsy woman had found the key to happiness 
and spiritual riches.....something that no amount of money could ever buy.
 From the Pope to the barefoot widow to every man, woman and child ever 
born, God's glorious message is still the same:  "For God so loved the 
world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in 
Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Ron & Sue Bates.  C.P. 53--55, Bucharest 4, Romania
tel:  4021-313-5465, inasmuch at b.astral.ro <mailto:inasmuch at b.astral.ro>
inasmuch at zappmobile.ro <mailto:inasmuch at zappmobile.ro>,  www.inasmuch.ro 
Please send Georghita's message of God's grace to your friends.  God 
bless you all.........Sue

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